All tagged communication

You Can Lead in Your Local Floral and Event Community: Here’s How

In uncertainty, it’s easy to curl up in your safe-haven and shut out the things that are making life unsettled. You’ll likely find yourself experiencing a slew of emotions: anxiety, nervousness, loneliness, frustration, bitterness, hurt—the list could go on and on. The questions are endless. Where do I get flowers? Do I keep my shop open? What if I have events canceled? Where can I send those flowers? How will I pay my staff? Should I look at other revenue streams?

Here’s How to Build Trust with Floral Clients—Without Costing a Dime

So much of our work is done digitally through the written word, no matter our role in the floral industry. Emails, blog articles, social media marketing, website refreshes, proposals, orders, and more demand our attention—and our writing skills. In the digital age, you can truly set your business apart and build trust with others (even before you meet them!) by prioritizing clear, clean written communication. And you don’t have to be a grammar wiz, or know the difference between the different types of dashes, to do so.