Beautifully Tailored Bridal Bouquet

It can be tricky to place the flowers just right in a traditionally tailored bouquet, while staying true to your own unique design style. In this video, Kelly shows you, step by step, that it is possible to marry a "tailored" style with "garden style" in a bridal bouquet—it just takes some practice!

Watch this video to master the mechanics of arranging a tight bouquet with whimsical, airy elements. It’s a free sample from our online class, Bouquets & Personals.

Love this video? If you’re looking to master the mechanics, or if you’re looking for advanced floral design ideas to sharpen your already-solid design skills, then our new Floral Design Master Class Bundle is for you—and it launches SOON! Get all SIX of Kelly’s online floral design classes at one low price! Keep an eye on your email and on

Achieving Visual Balance