All tagged Flower Feature Video

Video: Blush Bridal Bouquet

In this video, you’ll learn how to create a blush bridal bouquet using a variation of the spiral technique. This is a pretty basic and simple foundational design to have in your toolbox, and it can easily be built upon to create a more complex bouquet.

Video: Flower Feature—Salvia

In this video, Kelly’s here to give you some fun facts about salvia! Salvia is a great flower to take color to the edges of your arrangement. It is a perfect substitution for veronica as it serves a similar purpose in an arrangement. It’s also a rose companion plant, so if you’re growing garden roses, salvia will be your friend! Want to grow some yourself? You can find the seeds at Park Seed.

Video: Flower Feature—Using Ageratum in Floral Arrangements

In this video, I’m here to teach you all about ageratum (pronounced “ah-jer-AY-tum”)! This flower comes in various colors—blue, pink, and white—and is native primarily to Central America and Mexico, but the United States also has several native varieties! Ageratum is easy to grow and is sometimes a perennial, which means it’ll come back year after year!