Encouragement for today

Excellent isn’t a word we use much today. Let’s bring it back. Let’s develop eyes to see it. Let’s cut through the cloud of this lens called perfectionism and recognize the excellent work being done around us every day. Let’s call it out in others. Let’s call it out in ourselves. Let’s focus our attention on the excellent and praiseworthy things. Life is too short to do it any other way…

Jardine Botanic Floral Styling

In this episode of the Team Flower Podcast, Australian based florist Jardine Hansen shares what it was like and what she learned from moving her flower business to a new place. Kelly and Jardine also talked about looking for a wave of personal creative inspiration, plants in Tasmania, the importance of bees and much more.

How to make a skirt with real flowers

Recently while working in the garden, I found myself mesmerized by the beauty of the Annabelle Hydrangea, and imagined myself sprouting out of the ground, surrounded by the beautiful flower. The idea for a floral dress took hold, and I decided just to do it. Let’s see what it looks like to walk around in a flower!

British Flowers - Green and Gorgeous Flowers

I was delighted to see Rachel was hosting a course about growing sweet peas so I signed up and away we went.  We learned about timing, planting and variety choice.  We clipped and "tied in" the winter and spring sunshine varieties, which I learned were developed in California for cultivation under cover. 

British Flowers - PYRUS

Local growers have the power to quickly shift production based on these regional needs and provide colors and varieties that are not readily available to their clients.  This ability to shift direction and pivot will only become more and more important as technology advances.  A few photos posted of a gorgeous flower by an influential designer shared by a few more — BOOM demand.  It can take years for the big market to shift course, but you can do it in a season.

Should you use seeds or plugs?

Flowers have to come from somewhere! It can be difficult to decide which plants to start from seed and which plants to buy as plugs. A plug is a young plant grown in large quantities that’s started either from seed or a cutting. In this article, we highlight pros and cons for both.

How to stay healthy during wedding season

Can I start this blog post with a confession? I let myself go during wedding season. I manage work/life balance very poorly, and one of the first things to go is caring well for my body. If you can relate, I hope you find some hope that you are not alone and that healthy habits are possible!

Natalya & Fiona of PYRUS

Attaching giant arrangements of flowers to buildings — today’s guests, Natalya and Fiona of PYRUS have done just that.  Their work for the Inspiring Impressionism exhibit will leave you breathless and with questions about how it came together, but the good news is, they’ll answer those questions.

Florence Kennedy of Petalon Flowers

On this episode of the podcast, we welcome Florence, owner of Petalon and author of "Flowers Everyday." We are discussing organizing delivery programs, sustainable packaging, affordable, interesting flower combinations, business progression and writing a book about flowers!

Sarah from Poppy in Singapore

We are delighted to share Sarah's story with you via the Team Flower Podcast. Sarah has a bustling flower shop and flower school called Poppy in Singapore. Poppy offers unique experiences including a Flower Bar and Market Day which we will tell you more about on the podcast.

What is the purpose of flowers?

As a florist, this is probably the easiest question I would ever need to answer. Of course they matter! But for everyone else, well, it may not seem so black and white at first. In this article we illustrate the answer to this important question in three different ways.

Finding your Instagram branding

We have the joy of being able to work with flowers every day, yet I know I am not alone when I say that I feel like I didn’t measure up just based on how my Instagram feed looks. That is just not right! Here I'm sharing my journey as I discovered what worked for me on Instagram.