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Workshop Alumni Interview: Patricia Campos

Ohio based floral designer Patricia Campos began her creative career as a graphic designer. It wasn’t long until the floral world worked its way into her heart, and now she runs a floral design studio in Cincinnati, Una Floral. With a love of muted colors and delicate greenery, her work is textural, thoughtful and artistic. Patricia’s floral journey began shortly before we met her at the 2015 Team Flower Workshop in Asheville, NC. Two years later, she has established her style and is currently working towards merging her two creative loves: graphic design + flowers.

2018 Conference Recap

The first annual Team Flower Conference has come and gone, but the memories made are ones that will last a lifetime. Over 100 flower friends from 32 states and 8 countries gathered together at the Reunion Resort in Orlando, Florida to grow, to connect, and to celebrate loving the world through flowers.

Sierra Flower Finder

In an era of the industry in which practically any cut flower can be shipped from any corner of the world, our vocabulary for the botanical materials we use is becoming ginormous, and the sheer amount of information about each flower we use in a given project can be overwhelming! That's where tools like Sierra Flower Finder can help solidify vocabulary and serve as a handy resource for looking up specs on flowers when you have questions about how they perform after cutting.

Best Roses for Floral Design

Today, you can find roses in numerous shades of oranges, pinks, yellows, reds, purples, whites, and countless colors in between! But with so many options, how do we even begin to choose?! To help with this, we reached out to Laurel Munro from Mint Floral Co. as well as Team Flower members and other industry experts.

What is the meaning of flowers?

Why do flowers accompany happy moments as well as sad? Why are they a part of once-in-a-lifetime events, but also everyday moments? What is it about a flower that can cover the full range of emotions from happy to sad, span generations, and even hold time in place?

Tips on Growing Bells of Ireland

I have a love/hate relationship with these little lovelies. Everyone loves the striking green lines that Bells of Ireland add to an arrangement. Their fresh color is indeed a refreshing component to many color palettes, but have you ever tried to grow them? They aren't particularly hard to grow, but they undoubtedly produce patience. They are quite picky, and they are slow to germinate - somewhere around three weeks or slower!

Why it's important to celebrate success

It’s really easy to get bogged down, and the result is that we forget to celebrate our successes. We’re always looking and thinking ahead to the next wedding, the next event, the next field to weed, the next prospective client meeting that we want to book, and the next accountant meeting. While I don’t think this is a bad thing, it means that we frequently forget to stop and smell the roses — literally!

Unique Flower Gift Ideas

There are countless ways to convey the beauty of flowers in the form of art and design, and Team Flower has gathered together a few different floral artists who create beautiful handiwork featuring the blooms we all cherish so much! These talented ladies have used their love for flowers & their own artistic gifts to capture the exquisite essence of each sweet blossom. Each is unique in what they create, and ALL are inspiring in their own way.

Arrangement How-to in Flower Magazine

This garden arrangement tutorial was recently featured in Flower Magazine. I'm happy to bring this feature to you — celebrating the present moment with flowers! See, garden flowers are just around for short spurts in time.  Peonies are amazing in May, usually making a grand flush across the country around Mother's Day (or if you live in the mountains like me, mid June).  Foxgloves wave their tiny bells and forget-me-nots rise from creek bed in front of our home in the summer.  Poppies pop and surrender in what seems like an instant.  

Encouragement for today

Excellent isn’t a word we use much today. Let’s bring it back. Let’s develop eyes to see it. Let’s cut through the cloud of this lens called perfectionism and recognize the excellent work being done around us every day. Let’s call it out in others. Let’s call it out in ourselves. Let’s focus our attention on the excellent and praiseworthy things. Life is too short to do it any other way…

How to make a skirt with real flowers

Recently while working in the garden, I found myself mesmerized by the beauty of the Annabelle Hydrangea, and imagined myself sprouting out of the ground, surrounded by the beautiful flower. The idea for a floral dress took hold, and I decided just to do it. Let’s see what it looks like to walk around in a flower!

British Flowers - Green and Gorgeous Flowers

I was delighted to see Rachel was hosting a course about growing sweet peas so I signed up and away we went.  We learned about timing, planting and variety choice.  We clipped and "tied in" the winter and spring sunshine varieties, which I learned were developed in California for cultivation under cover. 

British Flowers - PYRUS

Local growers have the power to quickly shift production based on these regional needs and provide colors and varieties that are not readily available to their clients.  This ability to shift direction and pivot will only become more and more important as technology advances.  A few photos posted of a gorgeous flower by an influential designer shared by a few more — BOOM demand.  It can take years for the big market to shift course, but you can do it in a season.