Pay Yourself - A Helpful Method for Tracking Income

The easiest thing to do when you’ve started a new business is to not pay yourself. If you’re working a full time job, and have started a business on the side, it’s easy to think, “I’ll just put this money I’m making back into the business”. Starting good habits of managing your business income from the very start makes it easier to adapt to the business being your sole source of income later. Here are a few tips on getting started early with paying yourself, and ensuring you’re setting aside enough for putting back into your business.

The Power of a Strong Referral Network

I’ve experienced an incredible amount of positivity, support, and encouragement from a group of wonderful floral designers and business owners who I lovingly refer to as my “Flower Friends." These women who are my competition, but who have created a real community that I’m honored to be a part of.