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Fast Flower Video: How to Evaluate Your Floral Arrangement

In today’s time-lapse, I used apple blossoms, carnations, tulips, caladium, nerine, and scabiosa. I didn’t love the result, but I did love the idea of sharing it with you anyway. I hope that leading you through the gentle process I use for observing my work will help you be more graceful towards yours. Your artist’s heart is valuable. Hidden within the walls is a wellspring of creativity.

Video: Suspended Floral Installation Using Hops

This lesson is about putting together an overhead garland with florals.  If you’ve never put one together before, here’s a behind-the-scenes look at my take from the time.  Please laugh and have fun watching me wrestle with an 18’ piece of monster vine all by myself.


Today we're going to have some fun with hops. You may be wondering, why is Kelly wearing giant gloves? Because Kelly's allergic to hops. That's why.

Taking one for the team today, because hops are a really neat ingredient. You can use them in a lot of different ways, super-super-large-scale the whole way down to little boutonnieres. So today, we're going to do an overhead hanging type of an arrangement using the bar up here. We've got hops, a little bit of lemon leaves, some dahlia, tuberose, cosmos, gomphrena. It'll be fun.

That's the ingredients that we're working with. Let's talk a little bit about the supplies that we have. This is just a simple small board from Lowe's. This type of design that we're about to make is something that you might attach to a beam that already exists in the venue that you're using, or it may be something that you need to hang to be lower from a beam in the venue. So if you're using it, if you need to attach, you can use this method to attach it directly to the beam and just kind of pretend that this is the beam at your venue.

Or you can use the same kind of materials that we're using here. This one is a little bit narrow. It's not a 2 by 4. 2 by 4s are pretty heavy. So I like to keep my mechanics light but still weight-bearing. We're not going to put a ton of weight on this, so this will be adequate for what we're working on today.

If you need to attach this to a beam, you can just simply drill a hole through the board and put a rope through. Tie the rope in a double knot there at the end. Make sure it's nice and secure. And then you can throw that up over your beam and get everything connected that way. So that's an idea, if you need to rig it on something else.

So we'll get started here. I'm going to use some lemon leaf, our salal foliage, as a base. And then we're going to work in our little Oasis pieces. And then we're going to go add in the hops around those.

So do you have to do this exactly like I do it? No. There's more than one way to do things, and I think that's an important distinction to make. So you might see this and think of a way that you can be more efficient or faster or something. This sparks a little node of inspiration, so please feel free to adjust as you need to.

And I also wanted to mention I have just a little delivery box that I'm using. Dad and I put these together, but they flip upside down really wonderfully if you need to use them as little step stool. So this is something that I love to have on event day, because it's multi-functional and it doesn't take up extra room in my car.

So we'll get started by just putting a little bit of this onto our form and I'm going to use zip ties to do this. You could use wire or tape if you wanted to as well. That is up to you. Everybody has their preferences there too.

I'm going to put a little bit above, put a little below. And I'm not that worried about covering the form per se. I just wanted to have a little bit of a base to start out with. The hops are really going to do most of the work for us here. But I think sometimes it's nice to have an alternate leaf shape and shade in designs, so that's why we're going to go with these.

It's also pretty budget-friendly, just another reason why I love it. And it really is a workhorse. The bunches are big so you can use it throughout your event.

It doesn't have a great shape for centerpieces in my opinion, or bouquets. But I think for installation work it's pretty great. And there are ways that you can use it in centerpieces and bouquets too if you needed to. But I prefer something that's a little bit less stiff. But this is great for garland-making as well.

OK. Next we're going to add in the Oasis. And I'm going to show you two different ways that you can do that. The first thing that I have is a little igloo Oasis cage. And it has the little things that you can attach a zip-tie or a wire to put it on the structure.

So I'm just going to space this out evenly. And since this piece is going to be viewed from the ground up, I'm going to focus on putting the flowers low. And these, I kind of like to run them through the actual Oasis pieces, because sometimes these little side pieces can pop off and I just would like to avoid that.

The other option that you can do is a little bit more budget-friendly but also a little bit more labor-intensive. I've taken just a regular cube of Oasis and I cut it into eight sections. And you can use this with a little bit of chicken wire instead of the cage if you need to.

So I have a piece of chicken wire cut here. And I'm just going to wrap it around the Oasis. And this simply keeps the Oasis from breaking into pieces once you get a lot of flowers in there. And then I'm just going to take that and attach it right to the form. You can run it through the wires if you'd like for just a little bit of extra hold.

And I think on this one I'm going to do five pieces. And I'll put the measurement for in the finished product and the recipe for how many flower we use so that if you'd like to create something similar for something that you're doing, you can easily swap out the materials and the quantities and just have a better idea of how to quote the event out.

I have raindrops. Oh. All right.

Let's add in some hops next. Let me get my gloves. These are pretty big. I sort of imagine-- they remind me of Jack and the Beanstalk a little bit or something. I feel like I should yell "bombs away" and just throw it over.

All right. I should also mention that if you haven't had hops before, there is the-- my skin just breaks out in a rash. But there also is an odor associated with hops. They smell a little bit like fish when you open up the box, so just be aware of that. It's not a deal-breaker, but if you're pretty sensitive to smell, it's going to be something that's a little bit unusual, you're going to want to watch out for.

And if you can't flip it over top of your beam, like I did, or if you wanted to have just a little bit more drape or something like that, you could attach the hops with zip-ties, just going along the main vein of the vine. And I apologize. I'm going to have to put my back towards you just for a second, but I want to just kind of assess and trim out some pieces in the hops that are maybe browning or too long, just get the shape of this. This is the shape component for this arrangement, so we just want to get the silhouette looking really nice.

And since these arrangements go so high in the sky and it's going to be dim and dark in the area that you're working, you don't have to obsess over every single little piece. Since these are something that come out of the box out of water, there may be a little bit of wilting and browning, especially if you're trekking them around in the sun. But for the most part, they're pretty sturdy.

And I'll put a source for these out of Oregon that ships in your Notes for those of you that are here in the States. And if you aren't, hop on community and chat with some people that are from your area and see if you guys can come up with a great source to find these where you are.

Now, this would be a fun arrangement that you could-- after you've got all of your flowers and things in, you could add them hanging candles down in here, like little twinkle lights, or you could do actual little electronic twinkle lights. OK. And we may edit that a little bit as we go along, but it's cleaned up and it's in a better place-- in a better place than it was when we initially popped it up there.

The next thing that I'm going to kind of look for is just any obvious areas that are exposed, where mechanics are exposed. And I just want to give those a little bit of attention before I start getting all of my flowers organized and incorporated in there. So I'm going to pop back in there with a little bit of the lemon leaf foliage. And I think we're mostly done handling the hops. I can handle them a little bit, but I don't want to give them a big bear hug.

So this area right in here needs some attention. So I'm actually-- I see a good opportunity here to just adjust the way that this vine is hanging. And that'll help with part of this.

And then I might tuck just a little bit of this in. And now the hops can be used as a base or a way to hold flowers in place as well, which is fabulous, all of those stems that are crossing over, weaving together. Grapevine is a great thing for that as well, maybe if you needed to do a big overhead installation. Grapevine acts as a similar type of thing, creating a net, a natural-looking net for flowers and things to rest in.

And then another thing that I love to have onsite whenever I go places is some moss, because you can just quickly pull off some pieces and fill in. So I'll do a little bit of that now, and then before I wrap up a project like this, I like to squeeze my eyes together just like you would when you're putting Christmas lights on a tree, just to see if there's anything that's standing out. You just kind of squeeze your eyes and look for that board. You'll see if there's any places that need to be covered with a little bit of moss.

Another idea for covering mechanics is to spray paint the piece that you're using, so this board we could have spray painted a green color. And that would have helped as well just to camouflage. So if that's something that you're very sensitive to, that's another little option for you.

Next we're going to add tuberose. I think I may have left this off the ingredients list whenever I first started talking about them. I love tuberose. They smell fantastic. These are so great to have in brides' bouquets and on tables and things like that, where people will pass them.

Up here, their scent is going to be overlooked a little bit, but their shape is important for this type of arrangement. We need a few things that are long and stretching, so I've done such a great job covering up my mechanics that I can't even see where my little Oasis houses are. OK. There's one.

So here we're going to use-- this isn't going to be one of-- the big show-stopper in this arrangement is the cosmos, so we're just going to put a few of the tuberose in there. And I'm using them to mark where my Oasis is hanging out, so one in here.

And today, I'm working on primarily the front side so that you're able to see and experience putting this together. But as you do it for your event, you're going to want to keep walking between all the sides. And you're also going to want to create depth. So for example, you can see how I have a tuberose hanging out back here in this area. And that's to draw the eye back in and through the arrangement. If they were all on the front at the same level, it wouldn't be quite as interesting for the people who are enjoying the flowers.

Next we're going to put the cosmos in. I love how light and airy these are. They're a really fun flower to include in your designs.

Another consideration-- I know I talk a lot about the allergy of hops, but just keep that in mind if you have people that are working for you. You don't want to put somebody in a place where they're feeling really uncomfortable and itchy all day, so take that into mind. If somebody seems like they're sensitive to it, put them on a different task. Just a good thing to know in advance. Keep everybody on your team happy and healthy.

And as far as placement for these, I'm just keeping an eye on evenly spreading them throughout the arrangement. And we have dahlias that we're going to add. And whenever I put those in, I'm going to concentrate on making an interesting line for the eye to follow with those. So these are just kind of little-- I guess you could call it a fill if you wanted to, but this is just our main cover.

In a centerpiece, these would be great as a finishing flower, because of their light and airy quality and just the shape of their stems. But this one can transition in quite a few ways. It's great for, in this situation, a fill as well.

And I've left a few of the cosmos in my little bucket over here, so after I get most of the-- I go through and get all the components in, then I like to just take a quick peek and sometimes there's an area that needs a little bit more so I have a few left over that I can go back in and make those adjustments if needed. But I think it's nice to get through all of the initial placement of all of your ingredients before you perfect. And if you run out of flowers to perfect with and you're kind of moving things around, it just takes a little bit more time. But no worries if you have to do that. Sometimes it happens.

So I've got my pretty white dahlias here. Since they're the largest component here, it's where the eye is going to naturally be drawn to. So we're going to focus on creating a few little focal points within this large, large arrangement using these dahlias. And we're going to do that by grouping them together within different levels and by arranging them in a little bit of a line.

This is called an implied line. It's like a connect-the-dots line. If you were looking up at the stars at night, how all the different constellations you sort of use the stars as your point to form all those different constellations, it's similar here, what we're doing with these flowers.

And if this arrangement is going to go at a point where there is kind of-- it's at an entry point, maybe, where the eye would be drawn up, you could-- at the center of your arrangement, you could focus on taking one of these larger flowers up high. You're going to want to keep an eye especially underneath, though. This is really where guests are going to view and enjoy it, so you're going to want to add some in there at varying levels too.

If you have a bride who's getting married in the fall that just really loves peonies, you can definitely show her dahlias. I call them the peony of fall. And usually once they've seen one, they're excited about them, especially the big dinner plate ones. They're becoming a little bit more well known with the girls. But some people just don't know what they are and haven't seen them before, so a little bit of education goes a long way.

And a word on dahlias. They can be pretty tough if they come wholesale, I think, to keep looking fresh and great. So I recommend finding a local source if you're able to and the Association of Cut Flower Growers is a great place to go for that.

You just really lose a lot of the life of the dahlia, since they are a shorter-lived flower. Their vase life typically you can expect to be from maybe two to four days I would say. So if you think about that they were cut at the farm and then they were shipped and then they came to you, they've already used up quite a bit of their life expectancy, so I think it's a good idea if you're able to get those local.

And if you hop on Community, there's a little discussion going on about wholesale dahlias and some things that people have been trying. I haven't experimented with the wholesale methods, with chemicals and things like that to maintain them. I just didn't want to go there, because I have some great local sources, so it just felt kind of like a waste to me. But they're sharing some possible solutions and things that you can do to keep those alive there.

So next, this is gomphrena. I'm just looking for my Oasis and popping it in there. This is a nice little kind of fun little accent piece. And again, don't forget underneath, and like I mentioned, the other side as well.

And I pulled one more ingredient that I was thinking about putting in this arrangement. And it's just a bit of Queen Anne's Lace as our finishing flower. So after I work in the gomphrena, we'll go there next.

Some of these pieces of gomphrena I'm having a hard time finding my Oasis spot. So you could have on hand-- I like to travel to installs with a few water tubes filled up. So you could have those on hand just to pop your stems in and then you can use the grid of your hops and put your flowers in that way if you have more than you can do with the Oasis, or if you would just prefer to do that instead of Oasis. It's kind of a matter of preference, I think. Oh. Found it there.

All right. Let's move on to our last ingredient, the Queen Anne's Lace. We're just going to use this to sort of finish it off and add a little bit of lightness to the design. So I want this to come out further than all of the other ingredients that I've put in here so far, since it is the last light, airy piece. And again, I'm just spreading these out like I did with the cosmos, pretty evenly. But if you wanted to use them to accent a specific line or grouping, you could pay attention to that as well.

All right. I'm going to step away for a minute and just take a quick peek, see if there's anything that I want to change or edit. And then I'll be back to show you the finished product. We'll be right back.

And I'm back to wrap up. I went ahead and I just did that little squinty eye and looked for any pieces of the mechanics that were sticking out and I covered with a little bit of moss and a few hops up there. And then I just wanted to show you before we sign off for today two little examples of something you might like to use or include in a design like this and the sources for those.

This is a little candle globe from Accent Decor. And then this is from-- I got this in New York at the flower market whenever I was there. So I'll show you-- I'll put links to these things in your Notes.

But I just wanted to show you how I attach them real quick. I just use a simple piece of floral wire to put those together. And I just make a little paper-clip-like piece to attach everything. So if you use a gauge wire maybe like between 16 and 20, you should probably be-- you'll be in good shape with something like that. 16 is a little bit heavier than 20, so just depending on how heavy your piece is that you're using. But I just wrap that up there, find a nice strong piece of the hops vine, and attach it like that.

I like these covered globes just because the flame is completely covered and you don't really have to worry as much about fire and things like that with something that is completely covered on top. These ones are a little bit-- you just have be a little bit careful. Maybe put them a little bit lower in your arrangement or your design.

Candles do generate quite a lot of heat, so even if it doesn't catch on fire, it might cause it to brown or something like that, so just something that you want to keep in mind if you decide that you wanted to put some lighting to this arrangement, you want to keep it pretty low. And just fishing wire is what I like to attach those with, but it's good to prep all those things in advance, because whenever you're doing a big install, oh, time just flies. So if you have all of your fishing wire pre-attached, you can just store them that way and then they're always ready to go and you don't have to rewire each time.

So that is the oversized hanging arrangement. I hope you enjoyed it and I hope that it encourages you in your next design. So we'll be back soon with another project for you to try. Thanks so much for watching and we'll see you soon.

Video: An Ode to Grass Bouquets

There’s something really simple and sweet about using ingredients that you experience along the side of the road, on a walk, or just along the edge of your driveway. To celebrate these experiences, I’m creating a small meadow bouquet of several types of grasses (dried grasses and fresh) along with a few other types of flowers.

Video: Blush Bridal Bouquet

In this video, you’ll learn how to create a blush bridal bouquet using a variation of the spiral technique. This is a pretty basic and simple foundational design to have in your toolbox, and it can easily be built upon to create a more complex bouquet.

Video: Spring Wedding Flowers for Arranging

Learn how to arrange flowers for a wedding. In this video, you'll see some of floral designer Kelly Perry's favorite flowers for spring wedding arrangements.


Today I'm going to show you some wonderful flowers that you can use for your next spring event. Some of these are just available in spring. Some are available year round. We'll go through the list and I'll let you know when these are usually available.

One of my favorites and a staple that I like to use in my events is called the White Majolica spray rose. I love this because it easily transitions from blush to cream. And a lot of times within the bunch you'll have a variation of those shades.

So if you're working with a bride that loves blush, this is a great option for a flower for her. If you need a spray rose that is a true white, you might want to look at something like princess or snow roses.

What I love about White Majolicas is that they open really beautifully. And you can just pluck away some of those inner petals and get that great, beautiful, golden center if you would like.

These are available usually year round. They do have a pretty big spike in price increase midsummer, whenever they're in really high demand. So that's something you want to talk to your wholesaler about.

And maybe that's something that will affect you in your area. Maybe it's not. But it's something that I've run into. So that's the White Majolica spray.

These are combo roses. They're really unique color and I love them. There's also a rose called camel that might be a great substitute if your wholesaler isn't able to get combo roses.

I love these. As they open they just-- they're really beautiful and a unique color that transitions well between a lot of different palates. So this is kind of one of my staple flowers as well.

The last rose-- well, we have two more here. This one that we're working with today is called the amnesia rose. It's a little bit lavender, a little bit dusty pink. Has some green tones in here. So it's really great if you're working with a muted palate.

And then another one that I think pairs so beautifully with White Majolicas and also a quicksand rose is this champagne rose. How beautiful is that? They have a lower pedal count so they open wide. And it's one of my absolute favorite roses.

This is a standard rose. Every rose that you've seen here is a standard rose. So they come with that standard price tag, which is great.

This is spirea. And one of my favorite greens. It's great to grow in your yard if you have the space. It just grows wild and crazy. And you can cut it and it grows back fairly fast.

So this is something that I get locally. You can also get it wholesale sometimes as well. But just a really sweet texture to work with.

This is purple feather acacia. And it does have a tendency, and this is a little bit, to wilt at the end. So make sure that you always have this in a good water source.

This is kind of what it looks like when it first arrives. But once this takes up some water and is really well-hydrated, this will perk back up a little bit.

But the color variance in it is really interesting and great. It kind of goes from like a silvery tone, like that would pair well with seeded eucalyptus. And it has this dark foliage, of course. And then some of it is actually-- kind of has like a little bit of a yellow undertone in it. So I think this is a really interesting foliage to use in projects.

This is blue Muscari. A really sweet flower that you'll commonly find in gardens. Maybe your mom or grandma has grown it or something. This is something that I really love and think of as a springtime thing.

If you are getting this locally, a little trick-- or you're growing it in your garden. Down toward the base, if you just pull as opposed to clipping it, you can get a little bit of a longer stem for these. Since these are something that have a very short stem.

But these are available wholesale pretty frequently as well in the spring. And that's just a spring thing. These are some Japanese Sweet Pea. The color variations in them is really beautiful and nice.

And they smell absolutely fabulous. The scent just filled up the whole studio when they arrived. I really love these.

This is called fruitalaria. And one of my very favorites. It comes in several different varieties. So this is just one variety of fruitalaria Here is another variety.

And they do have a little bit of an unpleasant scent, but it's not to the extent that it would bother me. But it definitely is a difference between the sweet peas in the fruitalarias as far as how they smell.

This is called leucadendron. And a lot of times, maybe you've seen this at your wholesale. This is a very, very common wholesale plant. But you'll probably see it looking a little something like this and maybe not all that attractive.

But you'll see, and if you read a little bit on our blog reflexing flowers, you can just gently coax those to flip inside out. And you have a really interesting flower to work with. And check out the color variation on the inside.

This variety is called Safari Sunset. And I think it's a great substitution for brides who might like the look of a magnolia. If they're open to color, this is a direction-- it reminds me of that shape, and the center, and everything.

These are viburnum berries. Very beautiful, and some of them almost look iridescent in color. These are available locally and also through wholesale.

This is ranunculus. One of the smaller varieties. And then here you have some of the beautiful hybrid Japanese ranunculus that, in some cases, are as big as a peony or a large faced flower. So those are two varieties of ranunculus that are available in the spring.

This is an antique carnation. I really love the color variations in here. And again, if they come to you and they're closed you can just gently coax them open. I think these are a really, really lovely flower.

Here we have some anemones. These love it in the chill, in the cold. That's something that you'll find in the winter as well as the spring.

This is some Japanese Lisianthus. A little bit more Japanese Sweet Pea. Some tulips here. This is passion vine.

We have a little bit of Jasmine vine. It's normally blooming around this time of year, you'll get it with the buds. But you can get it a lot of times year round, just the foliage.

Here we have some olive. This is a really sturdy foliage, holds really well.

And then last but not least, my very favorite flower. And something that a lot of people have commented, oh. It's all in your arrangement. Well it's my very favorite. I have this beautiful foxglove.

So it's one of my favorite flowers and I grow a lot of it here in the garden. This is coming in wholesale but that is another great flower. So that, in my garden, it blooms from summer the whole way through the fall. And the more you cut it, the more it pops up and keeps producing.

So those are just a few flowers that I wanted to share with you today. And I hope that you enjoyed it and that it inspires you to create more beautiful things for your brides.

Video: How to Make a Sunflower Wedding Bouquet

Sunflowers are the first flower I remember growing, so they are special to me. I know I’m not alone, as so many people love the happy yellow faces sunflowers have to offer. If you’re a designer, though, they can be quite difficult to work with! In this video, I’m going to demonstrate how to create a sunflower wedding bouquet, specifically in a cascading shape.

Video: How to Create a Monochromatic Flower Arrangement in Dark Summertime Hues

What do you think about monochromatic flower arrangements? This week, I’m sharing about working with black flowers—specifically in the summertime! Designing an arrangement with dark flowers using a monochromatic color scheme really creates an interesting mood, and it helps you notice the texture of all of the flowers. I’ll share some of my favorite varieties and their little nuances, and I’ll walk you through the dark centerpiece I’m testing.

Video: Comprehensive Training on Floral Supplies

There are so many materials and supplies used in the floral industry, and it can get quite overwhelming to know everything you need as well as how to use them! In this video, Kelly Perry of Team Flower lays out an extensive list of floral supplies used in the industry. From Quick Dip to flower tubes, she walks through each item, detailing what it is and how it is best used. Demonstrations are given for each tool to allow for greater understanding of safe and efficient ways to use the items shown.



Hi, I'm Kelly from Team Flower and I wanted to introduce you to some of the floral supplies that you will be working with. I'm going to go through just a broad overview of all of these different things and then we'll learn how to use them where they fit into the big picture. I'm going to start with this, this is the big chopper. This is something that you may or may not be working with but just in case you are, I just wanted to demonstrate how to use it. So this is primarily used when you're processing flowers. So there's a lot of flowers coming through your studio. This is a really great way to get the stems cut quickly and popped in water. So I have some roses here and you'll see I'm just able to put them underneath, keeping very careful watch that my fingers never get close to that giant blade. And I just bring them down and cut, cut, cut. These are ready to go in water. So that is a, that's the flower chopper. We'll get that off the table here. Now the other cutting tools that are commonly used whenever you're working with flowers are three different types of scissors. So here we have the general all-purpose scissors. These can be used for all kinds of different things right down to really specific detail work. You'll notice that the tip on them is very pointed so whenever you're cleaning flowers, say you have a lot of things that just need to be clipped off and really manicured, these are great. They're also great for general purpose. They can cut through stems, they can cut through branches. It's a really great sharp scissor. So, here's one. And the next one is a little bit different. So you'll notice that this one has a curved blade. So if you are trying to get around, perhaps a bouquet or something like that, to clip it off, these can be really great for something like that. Also, if you have a thicker branch that, maybe, these ones can't get through, this is like, level two. Some people use these as general purpose as well, but they're a little bit heavier than these. So this is something I can hold in my hand for several hours and be fine with. These are a little bit more to hold and to carry around. The other difference is that if these kind of slip off the table and onto the ground, they're not quite as heavy. Where these, the heaviest part is blade on this, so it's more than likely going to fall blade down and could cause some damage to the floor or to your feet. So, I like to keep these ones off the table, only use it when it's necessary, and this is the great general purpose. The last scissor is a ribbon scissor. So these are special, these are only, only used for ribbon. Nice and sharp so that you can get through and make a nice clean cut. So no flower guts on these, really, really important. Those are your three scissors. Now, in keeping with the ribbon, I have a little miniature hair straightener here. If you're asked to prep ribbons you can, and they're a little bit wrinkly, particularly with the silks, you can warm this baby up and do a quick little ironing of the ribbons. So this is another tool in the toolbox. And along with that, the ribbons, you may keep a bulletin board on hand so that you can take the ribbons, maybe you're making, asked to create some streamers that will go onto the bridal bouquets. Let's make one quick. And I'll show you how the bulletin board is helpful. So the specific way that the streamers are made is something that you'll want to ask your supervisor. How they'd like those to look. Of course, the colors, the lengths, all of those things because they'll be very familiar with the client's preferences. Perhaps, even, they can make one for you and then you can copy. So we've got these little ribbon tails here. And that can just get folded together neatly and folded under. And a lot of times with ribbon tails I will actually do the pin underneath, just like that. And so this will go in and the front tails will cover the pin. You could also do it so that the pin goes through the front. Again, just ask your supervisor and go from there. But I like doing this because they can all clip on to the bulletin board. And then you can make sure that all your tails are nice and professional and an even length. So there's a few supplies that you might come across, in terms of ribbon. Next, the rose stripper. So there's a lot of ways to do this and I'm actually, I'm going to demonstrate this whenever I process the flowers. So we'll wait until we have these things cleaned off, but I wanted to introduce you to that. You put the stem of the flower here and do a quick motion down and that gets rid of all the thorns in a really safe, easy way where you don't hit your hand because you're completely covered by this nice, heavy plastic. There's several different kinds of tapes. I'd say flower arranging is about tape and scissors. If you have those two things and a container you can do just about anything. So, tape, there's different sizes and types. So this is one of the quarter inch clear tapes. And this is great if you're working with a container, maybe you're going to, you've been asked to create a grid on the top of the container. This is great to use with glass because you don't see the tape. So what you do is you just take the tape and you do like a tic-tac-toe board. And the type of flowers that you're using and the overall style of the design will determine how wide or how close together this grid goes. So that's something that would be great to do one. Ask your supervisor if it suits them and then repeat and do the whole lot. Or, if you have one that's already done that you can copy, then you know for sure you're on the right track and you can go from there. But I want you to know the general concept of a grid before you even get started. So this one we're going to do four and four. And depending on the end use, some folks like to then take their tape and go around the outside of the rim to catch all of those ends for some extra security. So sometimes I do this and sometimes I don't, just depends on the occasion. That's something that you'll learn as you go. So this is the thin, skinny quarter inch clear Oasis tape. And then we have two other kinds. This is the half inch and then we have the quarter inch in the green. And what's a little bit different about this tape is that it is tackier. So, where this, if it gets water around the edge it can loosen up a little bit easier than one of these more heavy duty tapes. This is like a florist's duct tape as opposed to a florist's scotch tape. So you can see the difference there. This bouquet tape, well I just called it bouquet tape, but this is what I commonly use for bouquets. So whenever you're prepping, maybe you're asked to prep the tape for bouquets. I would want a piece of tape that's about this long, about just a little bit over a foot. And that's enough to wrap around my bouquet once and then to go backwards so that I have a sticky spot for my ribbon to hold onto. So that's a common use. You can also use this in larger arrangements as a grid as well. And then the smaller. I could use that, easily replace this with that over here. This is something that I like to use on boutonnieres as well. These two are interchangeable it just depends how much stick I need, or what's most important. If its most important that I have a transparent background or if I can afford to have a little bit of tape, like if that's going to be covered with ribbon or something like that, then I'll always choose this heavier duty tape, it just sticks a little bit better. So these are our sticky tapes. These are called stem tape. They come in all different kinds of colors and when you unwind it it does not have a sticky surface like this one. So this gets its stick from being stretched. The more you stretch it, the stickier it gets and it also warms up a little bit under the warmth of your fingers. So this is commonly used whenever you're wiring flowers or creating a crown. So I'm going to show you here. Here we have a little flower crown that would go on. So if you're asked to prep something like this what you're going to do is take some of this. This is another one of our supplies. This is just a simple it's just a simple piece of wire. Wire can also come wound on a spool, so this would be called spool or paddle wire. And wire comes in all kinds of different weights. So, the higher the number, the more flexible the wire. So this is like a number 24 and you'll see it's very flexible. And this one is about 20, 18 or 20, and it has a little bit more stability to it. So for flower crowns I think that a little bit of stability is great, particularly if you're going to have quite a lot of flowers on here. They need a nice stable surface to live. So what you do is you take your stem tape and you stretch as much as you can and you pull it really tight. And you twist as you go and now this surface is becoming nice and sticky. And then here at the end if you need it to be an adjustable crown, you can just do a small little hook here and keep your tape going to get these two little ends put together here. And then you wrap around and you can do that little hook. So this is a great size for just a small child, an infant-sized crown. And then this one is better for a full, full, full-sized adult, but it can also be adjusted to whatever size is needed whenever you get there. So just that little hook is helpful to have. And this one just has two pieces of wire that are wound together. So that's a little sample of what you can do and what a commonly used application of the wire is. Now this paddle wire is something that we'll see a lot whenever we're creating garlands. So if we're putting bunches of flowers together and we're doing a lot of, like, whips around, this is the paddle wire. Because this, you would have to, you know, be going back to get more and more each time, but in a pinch, you can certainly use it. This is just a little more economical for the garlands is what I use that for. Okay. Next I have a zip tie. These are great for attaching things to different, you know, pillars or arbors, things like that, if you need to hold quite a lot of weight. You could use wire if you were in a pinch, but these zip ties are great and that's something that you're going to find in your florist's toolbox, more than likely. I also have some pins here. Pins can be used for all kinds of different things, most commonly ribbons and bouquets and attaching those small, detail works and personal flowers and pinning boutonnieres onto jackets and things like that. Just a note about pinning boutonnieres to jackets. They go over the heart and on the lapel of the suit. There'll be a little buttonhole and that's where you're aiming for, that boutonniere to go right on that buttonhole. Then what you do is you take the fabric and you pinch it so you're making a little cocoon around the, let's see here, we could use this as an example. So let's pretend that this is the stem of the boutonniere. You'll, and this is the lapel of their jacket, you'll bend the jacket just like that, and then you'll take your pin and you'll go straight through. So when you're pinning this is something that you'll want to practice and you'll want to get real good at. So you're just, instead of doing one of these numbers where you're going up and around, you're just going to go straight through so the fabric, you'll go behind the fabric and straight through. Great thing to, to just make a couple boutonnieres and that's something great to practice and get really good at. That'll be really helpful to your supervisor. Okay, next we talked about ribbon, so that's good to go. Rose stripper. Just another note about this stem tape. I will show you how to wire a flower once we process the flowers that I have down below. But you'll want to match this to whatever color the stem is that you're using. So, renunculus, I like to use this light green that's a common flower that I'll wire for boutonnieres or flower crowns. Same thing with spray roses. So this is my most commonly used color, but you can just take a quick inventory and see. This darker one works great with tropicals. The brown one for branches. If you're wanting to do branches. Another thing that'll be your friend, Goo Gone. A lot of times the containers come in, they have stickers on them that need to come off and be shined and polished up. So, Goo Gone to get those stickers off or some nice glass cleaner can also sometimes get those stickers off just depends where they're coming from and how sticky they are. So, Goo Gone, Windex, paper towels, those are all going to be a part of the studio experience. I also have some Super Glue. This comes in really handy whenever something breaks on you. So I have this Super Glue. I also have Gorilla Glue. So sometimes, this is aqua strength, so if something breaks that's glass that also needs to hold water, this is a really great fix for that. The other thing that I use the epoxy for is attaching flower frogs to containers. So something that you might be tasked with is setting the containers up to receive the water and the flowers. So right here we did the grid, like I showed you. So this might be, this is one way that you can set your containers up. Another way is using these flower frogs and this varies depending on each job that you're doing, the purposes, what the priorities are, what types of flowers you're using. I use all kinds of different mechanics, it just depends which one is best suited for what I'm doing in the moment. So that's something that you'll see switch up as you're working in the studio. This can get attached down at the base of the container with some of this epoxy. It smells terrible, if you want to use a little, you know, cover your nose with a scarf or something. But it's very fragrant and it does take a little bit of time to set and to get dry. So follow the instructions if that's something that you're going to use. You can also attach these to the containers using a product called Cling, which is basically sticky putty. And the goal with the sticky putty is to not have any spots where water can get underneath and then pop it out. So you just want to go around real carefully and there's detailed instructions on these different ways to prep a container on So, that's a flower frog. Next is chicken wire. This is used in all kinds of different applications in the floral studio. I use it to provide a base for my containers. So I have the frog, the tape graph over top, and then another option would be to take this and to use it wound into a ball in the container. Some floral studios like to use wire clippers for any kind of wire cutting. In my studio we use these Joyce Chen's for just about everything. It allows me to clip through really quickly and I just find that the wire cutters are quite heavy so maybe there's a pair, like these are designated for ribbon. Maybe there's a, there will be a pair in your studio that are designated for wire. So, that's something to keep in mind. So I'm just going to remove the grid here. Now prepping with the chicken wire I like to make a little bit of a cylinder. It just depends on the shape that I'm working with. So this time for this one the cylinder actually needs to go in the other direction. The goal is to have the wire create a place for the flowers to go through at the top and the bottom because that's what will hold the flowers in place. So if this is a flower stem and I only have it at the top, this will, this has a lot of flexibility about where it can go. But if I'm trying to get it in this general vicinity, that second one is what keeps it in place and keeps it from going all over. So it's important that you have those two layers. Now, if you're working with some really thick stemmed flowers, amaryllis perhaps, you'll want to do a little bit less so that your stems can fit down in there. But for general purpose, this is a great thickness. You've got lots of great little places for the flowers to catch. So this is an opportunity to take that heavier tape and to do just a small X to keep that sturdy in the container. You'll find that different florists have different preferences about the exact mechanics and how they get set up. Don't become frustrated by that, everybody does it a little bit differently. And um, you'll just want to ask how they'd like you to do it and follow suit. So there is that. Now, I picked one of my containers that had a little piece of flower gunk on it here because I wanted to remind you that in the flower studio there's going to be things that pop up that you can be doing whenever there's, maybe, a lull. And one of those things is cleaning containers. There's always going to be a messy container somewhere that needs to be cleaned up. And I really like to just use a simple dish detergent for that, although there are special bucket cleaners and things that you can use as well. You'll just want to ask about that and know where those supplies are in your studio. So cleaning containers is one thing that we're always happy to have done, counted, organized, even better. Now this is called floral foam and we use this floral foam. This is something that you'll find in most studios no matter where you go because there's some things that floral foam allows us to do that chicken wire and the flower frogs just simply can't. So if we need to attach something, maybe, to the side of a fence or an arbor and we really need that water source, this is a great product for that. So you might be asked to prep this. I use the long wire, that we had demonstrated the flower crown, to cut it. That keeps big knives out of the studio, just in case those might fall and hurt somebody. Wire's pretty easy and it works. I like to do the cutting for this after the foam has soaked. So you'll notice that there was just a little bit of a dust that popped up from that. It's not great for you to breathe, but if you cut it after it's soaked, you don't have that problem. So soaking Oasis, you'll want to follow, as each type of Oasis has a different instruction for soaking on the box. But the key, generally, overall is that you set it in there and you wait for it to sink just below the surface of the water. So you don't want to take it and shove it into the bucket because it will become, you'll find that this area, when you do that, it appears to have been soaked completely, but this area in here will not be fully wet. So a flower could get in there and it could just be in a dry spot in the Oasis and then you have flower loss. So it's really important to give this time and let it soak. The different types soak for different lengths of time. Some of them will say that they can soak in 10 minutes, and I believe that they can, but I still like to soak my Oasis overnight whenever possible just so that they are really full of as much water as possible, especially if I'm going out on a warm day to do my, do my work. So, that is that. You can also use Oasis in containers as well. So, rather than putting this chicken wire in here I could cut a brick that fits perfectly into my container. So this is a great size, I think, for going into the container. And what I would do is pop that down in there and I would still include water in the container. Some people glue this to the base of their container and then add a little bit of water to top it off. But what I do is just pop it in there underneath and then I take this tape and put it across the top so that I have that stability in there as well. This one is a little bit taller so if my Oasis didn't go the whole way down to the floor I could stuff with a little bit of chicken wire down there at the base. Key thing is just to make sure that all the flowers are in water. You know, if they happen to be in there at the side or if you're using flowers that don't do really well in Oasis they can pop down there right in the part that doesn't have Oasis. Staplers are helpful to have whenever you're doing the ribbons. You can just staple this little section together. So there might be some designs where a stapler comes in handy. It's also great to have if you're gathering invoices and flowers to put on that main packet or quote for the client is to keep stapling all of the receipts that are coming in to that particular client's bill. Lighters. That's something that you'll use commonly if you're doing an event install. And then we also have the candle dampener. So this keeps wax from going everywhere, if that's a concern. Also, measuring tapes. This is something you'll find in the floral studio as well. All kinds of uses, of course, measuring different things being the core of those. Another thing that we have here are gloves, white gloves. So whenever you're doing candles or glasswork and maybe installing for an event, if you have something like this it keeps fingerprints from getting on the candle holders that you're working with and the glass. Okay, this little fancy toothpick, these are great for installing on cakes. So you can put your flower on there and then insert it into the cake. So this is something that might find in the toolkit that perhaps needs refreshing or replenishing. I also like to keep these skewers with me as well. These are helpful if I'm doing, like, amaryllis or something like that. I can put this up the hollow stem and trim the stem here and insert this part into the floral foam or whatever it may be. Amaryllis do really great without a direct water source. You can also just put a little cotton ball on the end to have a little bit of moisture up there in the flower head. So this is something you keep in the toolbox. Also have flower tubes. So this is something that you fill. You may be asked to fill a whole bunch of them. Put water in there the whole way up to the top, close it shut and then the flower stem goes in there and this pick can go into garland, it can go into arbors. Anywhere, even maybe a single rose that's going out the door for a delivery. Just a way to have a water source for that flower, but just one flower at a time in these guys. The last thing that we have here is the lazy Susan. And the lazy Susan is great for making arrangements because you can pop your container on there and you can work 360 around the flower arrangement. So, these are some of the general supplies. A few other things that I have down here. A broom, because it's always a welcome sight to see things being cleaned up off the floor. So that's one of those things. And then I wanted to introduce you to the different types of chemicals that are helpful with flower arranging. So this one is called Quick Dip, it allows the flower to take a really quick drink after they're being processed and I'll show you how to use that as we go through the processing flowers demonstration. And then the Floralife flower food. And this has a mixture of sugar and Clorox and it helps keep the water clean and the flowers fed. This goes in buckets. This does not, very important. So the flower food goes in buckets. The Quick Dip is just a quick dip and then the flowers go in the buckets. If you accidentally do Quick Dip in the water, pull it out, start over again, replace it with the flower food. The other thing we have here is Crowning Glory. This is a spray bottle and it is a solution that seals the moisture into the petals. So one of the biggest dangers with cut flowers is dehydration. So waters, flowers can drink from their base and then they also can, but they can lose moisture through their petals. So this is just a solution that seals and keeps all the moisture inside the flowers and helps them to last a little bit longer. You also might have another water bottle filled simply with water and that can be really helpful for flowers that maybe don't prefer to have the Crowning Glory, or if maybe, you don't have Crowning Glory in the studio. It's a way to moisturize those petals. It's great for hydrangeas, they drink through their petals, so a quick little mist on the tops of them is helpful in keeping them nice and fresh. The other thing that the water is helpful for is votives. So if you have a lot of votives going out for an event if you spritz them and then put your votive candle in it will help the wax from sticking to the container which makes clean up a lot easier. And these are my flower claws. So, you can use a dust pan, but I have these claws to pick up the big clumps of flower waste that fall on the floor to keep everything nice and clean. Keeping the trash emptied in the studio, relatively clean while an event is taking place, is so important and welcome. Just to have that clear space and be able to get, you know, maybe tables that roll, in and out and just to keep our feet safe. So, that's what we've got with that. And the last thing I have to show you is a really dirty bucket. It's gross! This is what happens when flowers get left in the buckets too long. You get all kinds of nice stuck on slime. And this one's been outside so it has, like, rain, dirt and grass and all kinds of stuff stuck to it. I'll use, a lot of times, the Dawn in these and a toilet brush bowl, like a nice, sturdy bowl where I can really get in there and scrub, scrub, scrub because the important the about processing flowers is that you have a nice, clean bucket. So, this is an example of something that needs attention. Okay, let me get these things off the table and then I'll show you how to unwrap flowers whenever they come in and get those ready to go out again. Okay, I'm back with a few flowers I wanted to process with you. The first one I have is marigolds and then I also have some roses. Roses are something that I have on almost every single order, so I think this is a good one to practice with. And then these are representative of my specialty seasonal flowers. So this is what I, this is what we're working with here, these little marigolds. Now, flowers, they can be fresh, they can be less than fresh. They have a long life before they actually get to us. Some of them are being shipped in from Holland. So they go from growers in Holland, or in other parts of the world, through the Dutch flower auction and then they come to you. So sometimes flowers can be cut several weeks and they get stored in that cold chain. So it means they're going from the farm, to the auction, to the truck or the plane, and they're kept cold throughout that entire process which is what allows them to then wake up whenever they get to their final destination. So, you are the final destination. You are the point at which these flowers begin to wake up and come to realize their full potential. If it's time for the flowers to not quite reach their full potential yet, it's important to keep them cool. So let's take a little look at these marigolds. I want you to see the difference between some flowers that are really on their way out and then some fresher ones. So you know that these flowers are on their way out because you'll see that the stem, or that the petals have started to dehydrate. So they're starting to turn brown, they feel a little crispy. These are things that obviously need to be removed from the flower before it's used. And if something like this was received in my studio, this is something that I would be requesting a credit on, because they're really, the amount of loss that we have on here is pretty significant. So if you come across flowers that look like this, whenever you're unpacking them, it's important to take a quick picture and take a look at that invoice and notice how many bunches of them were past prime, because you really need fresh product. Now some parts of this can be salvaged. And then other times a lot of times with events in particular, there's just not time to do all of that salvaging work. But I wanted to do a couple stems of these so that you can see what can come off and how different the flower can look whenever you give it a little bit of love. So, you'll notice here that this one doesn't have a flower bud at the top of it. So I'm going to clip that off with these little detailed scissors. And I'm going to just get rid of all of this dehydrated foliage. Sometimes foliage further up on the flowers is not dehydrated. It just depends what stage the flower is in. In this one it's really the whole way up the stem, but sometimes it'll just be, you know, lower in the base of the stem and you can leave some of those pretty little frilly pieces on at the top. But the goal is whenever you're thinking about processing the flowers, the question is, is it beautiful? And if it's beautiful it gets to stay, and if it's not beautiful then it needs to go. So this one, another one without a bud at the end. And when I'm processing I like to leave the stems as long as possible. Unless I know specifically where they're going to go. So that allows the designer optimal flexibility whenever they go to place this flower in an arrangement. So, they may find that this piece needs to come off whenever the flowers are actually being arranged, not when they're being processed, but when they're arranged. And they can use this little guy right here to pop out on a side. So when you're looking at the piece as a whole it might not look like you would necessarily be drawn to this particular piece, but sometimes the way that it bends and gives is the perfect addition to an arrangement. So that's something to keep in mind. Give the designer optimal flexibility with how the flowers are cleaned. So you can see what a difference that looks like. The blooms on here, they're very sturdy. These are still going to be nice and these are going to last for a long time. Just this, this you know, these decapitated pieces and some of this that just is not, not as good. Just that little indicator that they've been through a lot. So that, great for event work, but if I was sending that out for something that needed to last for longer I know that these are, I know that these have been, been out because of that dehydration factor. Okay, so, there's the difference. That's what you're going for with marigolds. When you're thinking about putting them into a bucket you want to find the bucket that suits the length of the flower stem. So there are buckets that are taller, right about this height. That would be a perfect fit for a flower like this. Putting them in here means that they flop around a little bit too much. So you would want a taller bucket like a Home Depot five gallon bucket or one of the square flower buckets for something that's a tall stem like this. Unless they were being used in shallow applications the whole way around, in which case, this would be fine. I wanted to show you some Quick Dip. We talked about this in the supply section. What I'll do is just get a small little container to put it in. And you take your cleaned flower, give it a fresh snip. Whenever you're snipping, you just snip at an angle that allows for more water absorption. You do a quick dip and into the bucket. Now already in the bucket I have some of the Floralife Crystal Clear. And you'll just want to follow the instructions on the container as far as mixing, how much needs to go in the different sizes of the buckets. Okay, let's do roses next. Alright, so this variety is called combo. Oh no, sorry, not combo, Camel, this one's Camel. Most roses will come wrapped up just like this. And when this rose first comes in, when it first pops into your studio, something that you'll want to do is to give it that fresh cut. Give it the Quick Dip and then set it in water upright for about two hours. Now what this does, it allows the flowers to have that initial drink with the support of this covering, which means that they're not going to, if they're a little bit dehydrated whenever they come to you and they have like, a wobbly neck, sometimes they can absorb the water and their necks can stay wobbled. You'll see this with lots of different types of flowers. So sometimes letting them, if they are dehydrated when they come to you, it's not a terrible sin, they can be rehydrated in most cases. But having some little bit of a support when you're processing is helpful. So getting familiar and taking note of when the flowers have a little bit of a weak neck, and whenever they're already hydrated whenever they get to you, is important because sometimes you might need to go grab some newspaper or some craft paper and just add a, you know, stretch the flowers out and wrap them up, give them that little piece of tape and put them in to soak that water up so that the necks can absorb the water fully. So after they've had their initial drink, and these have, you can take them out of their wrapper. There's usually staples in here and a lot of times in the flower boxes themselves that the flowers are being shipped in. Be really careful that you don't cut your fingers on those because they can be very sharp. Okay, so the flowers are packaged in two layers. So whenever you buy them you think, oh, there's only a dozen flowers in there, but you pop open and there is a second layer hidden underneath. Now between each layer there's a piece of cardboard. So this just protects the flowers from bruising. Now, a lot of times with roses I'll grab a pair of gloves if they have a lot of thorns on them and particularly if they're are a true garden grown rose, those thorns can be really nasty. So you might want to have a pair of gloves in your apron or your pocket whenever you're working with processing roses. This is the stem cleaner that I showed you. You just grab it, squeeze it and down you go. All your thorns are taken care of and these few beautiful leaves at the top are fine to leave on. I actually encourage leaving on a few leaves, if they're beautiful, at the top. If they need to come out and they're being, maybe used in a bouquet or something like that where the leaves aren't needed, that's something that you might want to ask your manager. Again, knowing where these flowers are going and what the end goal is that they're being used for. Because if this is going in a bouquet, I'm probably going to want to go ahead and pull these extra petals off and put those in the bouquet pile. You'll just want to give it another cut at an angle, maximum water absorption, Quick Dip and in. And with the Quick Dip you can do multiple flowers at a time. So I'm thinking about efficiency whenever I'm doing something. It's not important to me as a designer that every single thing is perfectly clean, although it might be important to yours. I'm thinking about, usually I'm doing weddings, so I'm marching towards this deadline of needing to get the flowers out and prepped and to their final destination. So for me, speed is important. I want it to be done well. I want it to be done professionally. But, for example, where it may be necessary in some applications to trim this little nib that's here to make the flower perfect, for what I'm doing, that's not necessary. So knowing that final end use, what it's for, important. So as you process these, as they have that little bit of Quick Dip they're going to open up and they're going to be so beautiful. Sometimes the flowers come in and they're very tight and sometimes they are not. And how you can tell is by just squishing this rose head right here. If it's flexible it has give, it's going to open up beautifully in a day or two. So, great for event work. Other times you squeeze this and it's really hard, that means it's going to take a little bit longer or it might not open at all. Some varieties of roses just don't open. So that's something important to keep in mind. Another way that you can handle these stems, if you don't have a rose cleaner like this, is simply clipping them off with your scissors, a nice, clean cut. Another thing that people will do and some people, you know, prefer, there's so many ways to take care of, the goal is clean the stem. There's many ways to clean the stem. Some people use a knife. I don't like to have knives in the studio, I think they're a little bit dangerous, but you just the whole way down the stem to get those off with a knife. So that's, that's what we're looking at here. Okay, so let's go fast, right? The same repetitive motion over and over again is how you can get going really fast at things. So, that one didn't have pretty leaves on it so I took all the leaves off. This one doesn't have pretty leaves on it so all the leaves come off. But it's doing the same thing over and again. So unwrapping all of the staples off the roses. Laying all the roses out. Then going after the rose stripper with all of them. Once you get the hang of it, once your manager is like, oh, it looks great, then you know you can repeat it and just go to town. Get your work environment set up in a way that's really efficient. So right down here, garbage can. All those leaves are just plopping right into a garbage can as they go down. I find that it's so helpful in doing things like this. I mean, it takes a lot of concentration to keep it moving at a quick pace. I love to do stuff like that quick and concentrated and then have time over a break to catch up on, catch up on different things. So you might find that the people that you're working with aren't chatting and that's fine, don't take it personally. And sometimes they do, just depends the, just depends from place to place. So you could also run these through, I showed you the chopper. This would be a great opportunity to run those through if you wanted to handle it that way or you were doing large, large quantities. Dip and done. Another way to get the roses to open is to keep them warm and keep them in light. And whenever you're thinking about filling up your buckets to receive the flowers, again, clean, clean buckets and generally room temperature water will suffice and is a perfect fit for most flowers. Some things like hellebores that grow really cold in the winter. Some varieties really need to be in chilly, chilly water. Maybe they have a hot bath and then they go in chilly water. Other things like sappy flowers, like daffodils and milkweeds, you'll notice that they ooze. These don't ooze, but things like that do, so you'll want to put them in their own bucket while they seal and all that sap comes out and then you'll just transfer them into a bucket of clean water. And then when they're being arranged with they get clipped and swished to let that seal come out again, and then into the arrangement with the rest of the flowers. Just to help keep the water clean. Sometimes even if I'm using a lot of things like that that have sap and that ooze, even though they're hardened off, I might just dump the water and refresh the water after the arrangement is completely made. And I really, I have not seen any major longevity or loss issues that were directly related to that with that process. Sometimes the life of the flowers before they reach you, they just not a super healthy plant or super, an older established plant that holds well. So sometimes there's things that are a little bit outside of your control, but generally I find that that works quite well. So, that is processing flowers. Those, some of those specific things like hot water, cold water, you may just want to ask your manager, is it okay if all these are in lukewarm water today? Or do you need them in cold water? If you're wanting, perhaps peonies, something that you don't want to have open up really quickly, cold water is going to, anything cold is going to keep the flower asleep and anything warm is going to wake the flower up. So those are some core principles that are important to know about processing and handling the cut flowers. I wanted to show you how to wire a flower which is really helpful for prepping for boutonnieres, corsages, flower crowns, things like that. The benefit to wiring flowers is that we can make a thin, flexible stem which keeps some of those things from being really bulky. There's a few ways to wire, I'm going to show you two. The first one you put the wire through this part of the flower right here. You fold it down like a bobby pin. And then you wrap the wire around like this. Now, depending on the application that you are using this particular flower for, you may not want the stem to go down long. You may need it to be short so, you can cut the flower off it just, again, knowing how it's going to be used. You can cut if off nice and short like this which would be nice for corsage. You need that little bit of a lip to get the wire going around, but after that you're all set. Then you take your stem tape wrapping real, real tight to get it nice and sticky. Make a nice, clean line up there around the base of the flower. And bring it down just like that. So this can very easily get attached to the flower crown that we had talked about in the supply section. And it just goes on just like this. And then you build and work and that's a little behind the scenes on how those get created. But it's so helpful to have a part of this ready and prepped to go for the designer that's making all of the pieces. So, that is wiring a rosebud. Another way to wire. If you have something that is a little bit more open like this rose, for example, we can get to open the whole way here. Going to give it a little clip. And what we can do is we can actually, this is helpful for renunculus, for boutonnieres, I like to wire renunculus this way. You make the bobby pin first and that goes down through the actual center of the flower. Right there in the sweet yellow part. So it's piercing both sides. You're bringing it down, you're tugging it until you don't see the wire. You want the wire to be hidden. So just a gentle, but firm tug. And then same thing for finishing like we did with the last one. Just around this small nib there. Making a nice, clean professional border and down we roll. Okay, that's wiring flowers. You might be wondering what should I wear? And I can answer that question for you. On studio days it's really helpful and super duper important anytime there are clippers anywhere that you have closed toed shoes; boots, sneakers, anything like that, that if a blade were to fall on your foot, it would protect your foot and keep your foot nice and safe, really important. There's also a lot of water, leaves, possibility to slip. It's important that they have good, solid traction on your shoes. That's the most important thing about what to wear. On days whenever there's installation work and there's a lot of moving and lifting and all those kinds of things taking place, I think it's really helpful to wear black pants. Black pants are a great friend because if you're carrying a bucket of water and it starts sloshing and gets a little bit out of control, the black, it just blends. You don't look like you peed your pants anymore, it just blends in with the black. So I speak from several times of experience that those black pants are really a lifesaver. The other thing with tops that I really love to do on event day, or really most days, I love to have an undershirt that I can tuck in because there's a lot of bending and all those kind of things. So having an undershirt that's tucked in and has a higher waistline or a higher neckline, modest neckline, it's really helpful. And then I will toss, if it's an event day, I'll toss a fancy, maybe like a little sparkly shirt underneath and then I'll put a button down kind of work shirt. Like maybe a dark chambray or some kind of a, something that can cover my sleeves because you're out, or cover my arms, because you're out in the sun, sun's beating down on you, don't want to get that sunburn. So having that collar and having those sleeves to keep from insects and sun, so helpful. And then if I need to stay and there's a flip happening at the reception or something like that I can pop that one off and it's usually dirty and yucky. And I can have my cute little sparkly shirt underneath with the black pants, switch out the sneakers or the boots for just, like a little flat in the car. That's my quick, quick switch on event day. So I hope that helps whenever you're deciding what would be helpful to wear and what would be most efficient for you to wear on work days.

Video: Creating a Sculptural Floral Arrangement Step by Step

In this fall-inspired centerpiece tutorial video, Kelly pulls together an arrangement using gomphrena, zinnias, foxglove, pokeweed, asiatic lilies, hydrangea, and dahlias. Learn how to become a florist and take floral design classes online with Team Flower. Here you can even learn tips on flower gardening for beginners. We'll show you how to do flower arrangements in flower arranging videos.


Hey there. I'm Kelly Perry with Team Flower, and today I'm going to do a little centerpiece demonstration for you using beautiful peach, pink, white, orange flowers. I hope you enjoy it. 

We're going to get started today with some pokeweed. I love using this in the summer time. And we are going to use this to establish the shape of our arrangement. So you can do this with any kind of flowers. You just have to think through, what can I use that serves a similar purpose? 

So you don't have to use pokeweed whenever you go and try this at home. You can use something else that has a similar function. 

It's really fun. Everybody's regions are so different that are here with us on Team Flower, and it's fun to see what you guys are using in your neck of the woods. And I would love to hear more about what you have in your yard. 


I'm using a flower frog today, and I have it attached in there to my compote dish with some epoxy. Now, it will not come out if you decide you want to go that route. It's kind of a permanent thing. But I really like to-- I really like to have them in there good and stuck. 


OK, so that's our basic shape. Next we're going to work on covering some of this area down in here, and then we're going to build it up with beautiful flowers. I'm going to use some geranium leaves, and I'm going to use a little technique called layering, where you simply layer the leaves one on top of the next. And I'm going to work that back in and through the arrangement to get a little bit of a line going. 

Every time you put a flower in you have to think about, OK, where's the next flower going to go that's going to balance that one out. So it doesn't necessarily have to be the exact same flower that you use to balance things, but you just need to kind of keep that in mind so that you don't get lost along the way whenever you're making your arrangement. 

So when you step back and evaluate regularly, you'll catch when things are kind of going in a direction that you want to change or edit. 

So just low in the arrangement, these little guys in there. And then I'm going to do the same thing with some hydrangea. 


You definitely don't want to miss this step of building the shape and getting the shape to a place where you like, and then working on this covering aspect is really important. So that gives a place for all the rest of your beautiful flowers to shine. 

I have two different kinds of hydrangea that I pulled, and I'll see which one I like in here better. But they have different shapes, and so they can be used in different ways. Like this one is more round, and this one really lends itself to being able to be cut pretty low and tucked deep inside. 

Sometimes hydrangea can be a little bit overwhelming because it's so large and round. So I like to pull it apart in different sections, kind of use it in this way. Also looks pretty as a mass grouping. Like a lot of hydrangeas all in one place, I think is another way that you could use them. 


I'm getting close to where I feel like I have an adequate amount of coverage, and that I'm ready to start pulling this color from down here up into the arrangement with some foxglove. This is called pink dalmatian. It's really sweet variety. 


And I'm going to use this to bring color higher in the arrangement. It also reinforces the shape of the arrangement. And I love how it's going to act as a transition flower, taking us from the peaches that we have-- or the pinks that we have-- to some peachier tones. 


It's little speckles in there are really sweet pink. And as I'm choosing the flowers, I'm thinking about the shape that they naturally have. This one would really lend itself to kind of going out this way. So that is where I'm going to put it. 

You don't want to be fighting the natural shape of the flowers or you'll have a hard time getting everything where you'd like it to be. But if you need to just zhuzh it a little bit, you can kind of go like this, soften the stem-- stem fibers a little bit. It's especially helpful with things like tulips. 

Tulips are wonderful, aren't they? I cannot wait to have those back in the spring. So many different varieties. Love them. 

Next we're going to use zinnias to create a line. You could also use ranunculus, but if you are in a situation where you need to have two different options for a bride because you're working, maybe, at a different price point, ranunculus of course are more expensive. These can range anywhere from like $1.30 maybe to over $2 a stem, depending on the time of year. 

And then there's zinnias which you can get from most cut flower farms. And these are kind of one of those more, like, two or three for a dollar flowers. But very similar as far as shape and kind of, the way that you could use them. I really think that zinnias rival ranunculus in the summer. I think they're so sweet. Absolutely love them. Would choose them over ranunculus every time. 


What we're going to do with these is create a little bit of a line in the arrangement. And I'm just going to take notice of the size and the shading on all of the ones that I have. These ones are a little bit more peach so they'll look prettier together in a group. Hmm, these ones have more of a pink and white tone, so those would look really pretty, like, next to some pokeweed because it has those same tones in it, 

Have some white. This might be pretty up there near the foxglove. There's a little touch of white up there. This one coral piece that's really pretty and bright. That might look pretty low in the arrangement next to something peach. So we'll start there. 

And I like to observe how they look from different angles because want to put them in a place that really showcases their special shape and coloring. 


Now what we're making is called an implied line. It's a connect the dots kind of line. And that helps to guide your eye through the arrangement. 


So you can start implied lines anyway that you like. They're really fun. It's kind of the unscripted part about this, in these more organic style arrangements. You can make up the path that you want them to go in and decide based on how their stems fall and all those kinds of things. 


This is a pretty strong vertical implied line right here. Not something that I normally do, but I want to play with it a little bit today and see where it goes. 


There's my frog. [LAUGHS] So I like how this kind of comes down, and then it pops back over and up to these ones and then around the side. 

So again, you could do something very similar with the ranunculus if you wanted to. I just wanted to have those here as a little example for you so you could be thinking about it. And I have some dahlias. 


It's good to work just one ingredient at a time. Helps you to focus and see how things are falling sometimes when there's all these buckets of flowers in front of you, and you're like, oh gosh, where do I even start? You just need to get everything organized in the way that you're going to put it into the arrangement. And then don't think another thing about it. 

Start with what you're going to use to create your shape then what you're going to use to cover, like we used the hydrangea to kind of cover the bottom and the geranium leaves. Just put everything in order. 


OK. I have another line going here. I really like lines. They keep the-- sometimes the organic arrangements can start to look a little bit messy, and the lines keep things organized. I really love, love, love, love lines. Super, super important. 

OK, are big star of the show is this Asiatic lily that I found from Peterkort. They grow a lot of roses but I happened to see these, and I was like, oh, please add a bunch of those to my box. So I'm excited to play with these and see how they come together. 


I think the coloring in them is so lovely. This really just-- oh, rich, rich, brown red. And I love how that plays with the richness of the insides of these zinnias. It's one of the reasons why I wanted to choose those over the ranunculus today. 


Mm, those look so pretty with the zinnias. 


I think lilies get overlooked sometimes. We need to bring them back. They're beautiful flowers. 


I'm kind of wanting to work one in high. I'm going to try it and see how it looks. Might be too much, might be awesome. You always have to give it a whirl. And of course, beauty is one of those things that's a little bit subjective. Some people might love it and think that it's awesome, and then others are like, whoa, where'd that come from. So you have to decide-- you have to decide what you love. 

And that's what really makes your mark, and makes your work unique. Everybody worries about, oh, what's my look? What's my look? It's just naturally what you think is beautiful. That will become your look. So you don't have to over think that a lot. Hopefully that takes some pressure off. 

I'm going to leave it there for now. Something I like to do at the end of the arrangements, just take a quick little iPhone picture of it. So maybe I'll do that and see if I want to leave that in there or take that out. But I'm OK with it for now. 

Last thing I'm going to add is gomphrena. This is something that a lot of the local flower farmers will grow. And you can dry it, so it does really well as a cut. A lot of things that you can dry will do well as cuts, and in boutonnieres and things like that need to be out of water. 

These do have some wilty stems if they're cut at just the wrong time, so just be cognizant of that and do a little test run if you wanted to use these in boutonnieres or something like that. They're kind of like zinnias. If they're cut just a little bit early, their stems can get floppy and they don't hold as well. 

The purpose of these little finish flower, what adds that little bit of lightness to the arrangement. Some other things you could use with these lilies, chocolate scabiosa or black cosmos would be pretty. 

Now, we talked about that implied line. What this is doing in the arrangement is an actual line. That's the two different kinds. 

And I do like this little bit of negative space that I have going in here. I kind of want one other thing that's up just a little bit higher so that it's not at the same level. So let's see if we can get that, and if not maybe we'll just pull that gomphrena and make it a little bit shorter, and have that be the high point in the arrangement. 

OK, I we're just about done. Add one more over here I think. 


OK. As always, after you put something together it's a good idea just to walk away from it for a few minutes and just check it. You might come back and look at it and see something else that you want to just change a little bit. So whenever you're going through and practicing this, just feel the freedom to, at any point, walk away if you need to and come back. A lot of times that gives us a lot of clarity. 

So we'll just review the flowers real quick and the purposes of them in the order that we put them in. First it was the pokeweed. And that served as our shape. Then we put in some pink hydrangea, and that helped us cover the base of our arrangement and also added a little bit of structure and stability because it has all those different-- just the shape, you can put flowers down through to help hold them hold them all in. 

Then we added some geranium leaves to cover the bottom as well. And then from that, we built up and we started using some zinnia-- or you could use ranunculus-- to create an implied line. After that we went for the dahlias. And we created another line, both on the front and the back, with the dahlias. 

And then we added in some of these beautiful Asiatic lilies. And finished it off with gomphrena. And I forgot the foxglove. That came after the geranium. And that's-- I think this is called the dalmatian, peach dalmatian. 

So there you have it. I hope you enjoyed this little centerpiece tutorial as much as I did. Get out there and keep moving forward one step at a time. Happy to be a part of the process with you I'm Kelly Perry with Team Flower. Have a good day.